- MBBS (Mal)
- FRCP (Edin)
- Dip Clin Neurology (Lond)
- English | Bahasa Malaysia | Cantonese | Hokkien
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Klinis
- Kelainan saraf
- Gangguan pergerakan
- Penyakit Parkinson
- Epilepsi
- Sakit saraf
- Sakit kepala
- Migrain
Fokus Prosedur
- Elektroensefalografi (EEG)
- Membangkitkan studi potensial
- Studi konduksi saraf (NCS)
- Elektromiografi (EMG)
- Suntikan botoks
- Operasi stimulasi otak dalam (DBS).
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- M.R.C.P. Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom 1984
- Diploma of Clinical Neurology, London 1989
- F.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh 1997
- Consultant Neurologist, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur 1985- 1994
- Consultant Neurologist, Pantai Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur 1994 till date
Sekolah medis
- University of Malaya, Malaysia, 1981
- Founder member and vice-president, Malaysian Society of Neurosciences 1994-1996
- Founder member, Headache Society of Malaysia 1991
- Founder member, Malaysian Society of Epilepsy 1989
- Australian Association of Neurologists (Overseas Member)
- American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine 1999
- Neurology Sub-Committee, National Specialist Register 2009 till date
- Committee of Malaysian Medical Council for ‘’ Good Medical Practice’’ 1999
- Clinical practice guideline expert committees (Certification of Brain Death 1993, Management of Stroke 2006 and Consensus Statement on Parkinson’s Disease 2012)
Sertifikasi Dewan
- Internal Medicine, United Kingdom)