- MMed (Ophth) (UM)
- Fellowship di bidang Oftalmologi Anak (MOH)
- Oftalmologi
- Oftalmologi Pediatrik & Strabismus
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Fokus Prosedur
- Bedah Katarak Dewasa dengan Implan Intraokular (Lensa Terfiksasi Monofokal, Multifokal, Torik, dan Iris)
- Bedah Katarak dengan Bantuan Femtosecond
- Bedah Katarak Anak dengan dan tanpa Implan Intraokular
- Bedah Glaukoma Anak, Alat Drainase Glaukoma
- Eksisi Pterigium
- Bedah Strabismus
- Prosedur Laser (Perawatan Laser Diabetes, Laser YAG, TSCPC)
- Injeksi Intravitreal
Kondisi Diobati
- External Eye Diseases, (Infection, Chalazion, Styes, Dry Eye)
- Cataract, Trauma, Diabetic Eye Disease, Armd
- Squint, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Vision Screening
- Pediatric External Eye Diseases and Allergy Eye
- Pediatric Cataract and Amblyopia Treatment
- Refractive Errors and Myopia Control
Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi
- Malaysian Medical Council (MMC)
- National Specialist Register (NSR)
- Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO)
- World Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (WSPOS)
Pelatihan Klinis Pascasarjana
- Master of Ophthalmology (UM) Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 2004-2006
- Master of Ophthalmology (UM) 2006-2009
- Pediatric Ophthalmology subspecialty/ Fellowship Training, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 2011-2013
- Pediatric Ophthalmology subspecialty/ Fellowship Training, Hospital Selayang 2013-2014
Sekolah medis
- Faculty of Medicine (University Malaya)
- Masters in Ophthalmology, University of Malaya (2009)
- Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology (Malaysia Ministry of Health)
Media / Publications
- The effect of lockdown on children’s eyes
- Debunking the myths surrounding Lasik
- Strabismus
- Aiming for better vision and health
- Vision health in sharp focust
- BFM health and living potcast
- Control children’s screen time during MCO to maintain good eye health
- World Sight Day
- Health Insights: Ways to prevent spread of Conjunctivitis
- Health Insights: Are My Kids Seeing Normally?
- Health Insights: What To Expect when you bring your child for examination?
- Health Insights: The Fantastic Four Eyes Easing your child into wearing spectacles
- Health Insights: How Gadgets & Digital Screens Are Harming your Child’s Eyes
- Health Insights: BAGAIMANA Gajet & Skrin Digital Merosakkan Mata Anak Anda
- Maintaining good eye health in the digital age
- Cloudy Lens: Not Only The Elderly, Babies Can Also Be Born With Cataract
- Screen time leads to spectacles time | TheStar News