- MB ChB (Aberdeen, UK)
- FRCOpth (UK)
- CCT (UK)
- Medical Retina Fellowship (UK)
- Surgical Retina Fellowships ( Perth, Western Australia & Oxford, UK)
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Mandarin | Hokkien
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Klinis
- Oftalmologi Umum
- Katarak
- Gangguan Vitreoretinal
- Ablasi retina
- Lubang Makula
- Membran Epiretinal
- Gangguan Retina Medis
- Degenerasi Makula Terkait Usia (AMD)
- Retinopati Diabetik
- Oklusi Vena Retina
Fokus Prosedur
- Operasi katarak
- Implantasi Lensa Intra-Okuler Premium
- Implantasi Iris Buatan CustomFlex™
- Implantasi iStent®
- Ukuran Kecil 25G, Vitrektomi 27G
- Prosedur Tekuk Sklera
- Operasi laser
- Terapi Foto-Dinamis
- Laser Retina
- Laser YAG
- Injeksi Intra Vitreal
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- Medical Retina Clinical Research Fellow
- Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary and Aston University (2005)
- Ophthalmic Specialist Training
- SouthWest England rotation (Exeter, Torbay, Plymouth, Taunton, Barnstaple)(2007-2012)
- Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow. Royal Perth Hospital and Lions Eye Institute, Perth, Western Australia (2012)
- Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow. Oxford Eye Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom (2014)
- Consultant Ophthalmologist. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore (2015-2020)
Sekolah medis
- MB ChB, University of Aberdeen, 1997.
- Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, UK.
- Singapore Medical Council. Full Registration.
- Malaysian Medical Council. Full Registration.
Sertifikasi Dewan
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK)