- MBBS (Mal)
- FRCP (London)
- AM
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Cantonese
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Klinis
- Hipertensi
- Penyakit Arteri Koroner
- Penyakit Jantung Pembuluh
Fokus Prosedur
- Intervensi Koroner Perkutan, Angiografi Koroner (CAG),
- Elektrokardiografi (EKG), Uji Stres Jantung, Ekokardiografi
Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana
- Membership of the Royal College of Physician (MRCP), United Kingdom 1981
- Postgraduate training in Cardiology, SW Thames Regional Cardio-Thoracic Centre, St. George’s Hospital, London, UK 1981- 1983
- Lecturer and Associate Professor and Head of Cardiology Unit, Department of Medicine, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1984- 1992
- Consultant Cardiologist, Subang Jaya Medical Centre 1992-present
- Organizing Committee ASEAN Congress of Cardiology 1992 and 2002
- Consultant cardiologist, Sunway Hospital Centre, 1999-present
Fakultas Kedokteran
- M.B.B.S University Malaya (Winner of the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society Gold Medal and University Book Prize for best student, Final MBBS Exam 1977), 1972-1977
- President of National Heart Association of Malaysia 1996-1997
- Winner the Commandant’s Prize for the best all-round student and SUO in 1971
- Winner of the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society Gold Medal and University Book Prize for best student in MBBS Final Examinations, 1977
Sertifikasi Dewan
- Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom, MRCP (UK) 1981