Dr Thiruventhiran Thilaganathan


  • BSc (UKM)
  • MD (UKM)
  • MRCP (UK)
  • FRCP (Edin)
  • AM (Mal)



  • English | Bahasa Melayu

Rumah Sakit

Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City) 

Fokus Klinis

  • Cedera ginjal akut (AKI)
  • Penyakit ginjal kronis (CKD)
  • Diabetes
  • Gagal ginjal
  • Nefritis

Fokus Prosedur

  • Dialisis
  • Hemodialisis
  • Hemofiltrasi
  • Transplantasi ginjal
  • Dialisis peritoneal (PD)
  • Terapi penggantian ginjal

Pelatihan Pascasarjana

  • Medical Director of the Natonal Kidney Foundation of Malaysia, Malaysia 2000-present
  • Clinical Specialist/Lecment Lecturer in the Department of Mecicine, University Hospital Kuala Lumpur 1997-2000
  • Clinical Specialist in the Department of Medicine at Seremban General Hospital 1996-1987
  • Member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of th United Kingdom, United Kingdom 1996
  • House officer at the Sarawak General Hospital rotating in medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and orthopedics 1993-1994

Sekolah medis

  • Bachelor of Medicine Science, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia, 1990
  • Doctor of Medicine, National University of Malaysia 1993


  • Dean’s Award for the best medical undergraduate
  • 1st. Prize Avard in an essay writing competition organized by the Malaysian Leprosy Assoication on “Advances in the Chemotherapy of Leprosy
  • Awarded Distinction for the final year medical exammination
  • International Sociery of Peritoneal Dialysis – Yong Investigators award
  • Approved entry into the Acadamy of Medicine of Malaysia (AM)


  • Malaysian Medical Association – Life Member
  • Malaysian Society of Nephrology – Life Member
  • European Renal Association – Associate Member

Sertifikasi Dewan

  • Internal Medicine, Malaysia