- AM (Mal)
- MBBS (Mal)
- FRCS (Edin)
- FRCS (Glasg)
- FAMM (Urology)
- Adjunct Professor
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Malaya Adjunct Professor of Surgery (Urology)
- University of Pennsylvania
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese)
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Subang Jaya Medical Centre
- Penyakit batu, pengangkatan batu ginjal, bedah uro-onkologis (kanker ginjal, kandung kemih, dan prostat), penyakit prostat, kesehatan pria dan penuaan, disfungsi seksual, dan perubahan hormonal pada pria yang menua.
Informasi Lainnya
- Extraordinary Urologist Award by World Chinese Urological Association, AUA 2010
- Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Urology (Surgery), University of Pennsylvania, USA
- He has published more than 250 articles and abstracts in peer-reviewed journals and has authored 13 books.
- He has been a consultant and panelist for the past 3 WHO Sponsored Consultations in Sexual Medicine, Men’s Health and Infertility.
- Sits in editorial board of 5 International peer-reviewed journals.
- Founding President for the Asian Pacific Society and Japan ASEAN Council for Men’s Health and Ageing
- Past President, Asia Pacific Society of Sexual Medicine (APSSM)
- Founding Vice President, Asian Society of Endourology
- Executive Council Member & Board of Director, International Society for Men’s Health (ISMH) & International Society for Study of the Ageing Male (ISSAM).
- Honourary President, Malaysian Society of Andrology and Study of the Aging Male (MSASAM)
- Founding Chairman, Malaysian Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council and Training
Fokus Prosedur
- Layanan diagnostik tingkat lanjut untuk kanker prostat, kanker kandung kemih, dan kanker ginjal
- Biopsi prostat fusi dengan bantuan robot (sistem Biobot) melalui rute transperineal (melalui kulit, bukan rektum) untuk memastikan pengambilan sampel jaringan prostat yang lebih tepat dan akurat sekaligus mengurangi risiko infeksi dan sepsis
- Pusat diagnostik hematuria (darah dalam urin) terpadu yang memungkinkan pasien yang berisiko terkena kanker kandung kemih dan ginjal untuk menjalani semua pemeriksaan pada hari yang sama
- Layanan diagnosis gejala saluran kemih bagian bawah terpadu untuk memastikan pria yang menderita masalah saluran kemih mendapatkan penanganan medis atau bedah yang tepat
- Layanan endoskopi penitipan anak seperti sistoskopi, ureteroskopi, batu kandung kemih, pelepasan stent, dll.
- Diagnostik preventif kesehatan pria serta pengelolaan masalah medis dan bedah pria
- Layanan lengkap tentang terapi penggantian testosteron
- Diagnostik lengkap dan pengobatan disfungsi ereksi dan masalah seksual lainnya
Kondisi Diobati
- Urologic and Men’s Health Disorders
- Cancer treatments
- Urinary stone: Non-invasive or minimally invasive
- Urologic surgery including prostatic; bladder and penile surgery
Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi
- Chairman, Asia Pacific Council for Study of the Aging Male (ACSAM)
- Secretary-General, Asia Pacific Society of Sexual Medicine (APSSM)
- Founding Vice President, Asian Society of Endourology
- Executive Member, International Society for Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM)
- Executive Council, International Society for Men’s Health
- Council Member, International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM)
- Founding Chairman, Asian Society for Men’s Health
- Member, World Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council
- Member, Asian Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council & Training
- Member, American Urological Association
- Member, European Urological Association
- Member, Endourology Society, USA
- Founding President, Malaysian Society of Andrology and Study of the Aging Male (MSASAM)
- Chairman, Malaysian Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council, and Training
- Member, Prostate Health Council of Malaysia
- Member, National Kidney Foundation
- Life Member, Malaysian Medical Association
Kualifikasi Pascasarjana
- 1980 April: M.B, B.S. Malaya
- 1985 January: Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- 1985 February: Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons & Physicians, Glasgow
- 1986 May: FEMGMS (USA)
- 1988: Fellow of Academy of Medicine (Urology
Pelatihan Klinis Pascasarjana
- Institute of Urology, General Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Fellowship in Endourology and ESWL Stuttgart, Germany
- Fellowship in Endourology and ESWL Indianapolis, USA
- Prostatic Fusion Biopsy with robotic system
- Medical Research Training to conduct international research work
- Outstanding Urologist Award by the World Chinese Urological Association (WUA), an affiliate of the American Urological Association (AUA) in 2010
- Honorary membership for contribution in advancing education in the field of men’s health
- Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
- Adjunct Professor of Surgery (Urology), University of Pennsylvania
Sekolah medis
- MBBS (Mal) 1980, University Malaya
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