- M.B.B.S. (India)
- MS Ophthalmology (UM)
- CCFT in Cornea (Mal)
- Corneal Fellowship (Sydney)
- Transplantasi Kornea
- Oftalmologi
- Penyakit Kornea & Mata Bagian Luar
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Cantonese
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Klinis
- Infeksi kornea
- Perforasi kornea
- Keratoconus dan ektasia kornea lainnya
- Keratitis ulseratif perifer
- pterigium
- Kelainan permukaan mata dan tumor
- Mata kering
- Trauma mata
- Penyakit mata diabetes
- Glaukoma
Fokus Prosedur
- Operasi katarak dan implantasi lensa intraokular
- Transplantasi kornea (keratoplasti penetrasi, keratoplasti endotel pengupasan Descemet, keratoplasti lamelar anterior dalam, keratoplasti lamelar)
- Eksisi tumor permukaan mata, cryotherapy dan transplantasi membran ketuban
- Eksisi pterigium dengan autograft konjungtiva
- Transplantasi membran ketuban
- Tautan silang kolagen
- Perbaikan luka laserasi kornea dan sklera
- Prosedur laser
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- Masters in Ophthalmology (University of Malaya) (2008)
- Fellowship in Cornea and External Eye Disease, Sungai Buloh Hospital (2015)
- Fellowship in Cornea, Sydney Eye Hospital, Australia (2014)
- Certificate of Completion of Fellowship Training in Cornea (Mal) (2015)
Sekolah medis
- MBBS., University of Karnatak, India (1998)
- Member of Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO)
- Service Excellence Award, Sungai Buloh Hospital (2012)