- MRCS (Edinburgh)
- MS (UKM)
- FRCS(Urol) (Glasgow)
- Malaysian Board of Urology Certified Urologist
- Fellowship in Urology (Melbourne)
- SUO Fellowship in Uro-Oncology (Toronto)
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Mandarin | Hokkien | Cantonese
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Klinis
- Urologi Umum
- Kanker Urologi – Prostat, Ginjal, Kandung Kemih, Testis, Penis
- Penyakit Batu Kemih
- Penyakit Prostat Jinak
- Menghindari Disfungsi
Fokus Prosedur
- Bedah Robotik – Kanker Prostat dan Ginjal
- Bedah Laparoskopi – Kanker Ginjal
- Bedah Terbuka – Kanker Prostat, Ginjal, dan Kandung Kemih
- Endourologi dan Perawatan Laser – Penyakit Batu Kemih
- Prosedur Endourologis – Kanker Kandung Kemih dan Ureter, Penyakit Prostat Jinak
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- Fellowship in Uro-Oncology (Toronto)
- Fellowship in Urology (Melbourne)
- Malaysian Board of Urology Training Program
- Master of Surgery (UKM)
Sekolah medis
- International Medical University
- Global Oncology Leadership Development Program 2019/2020, University Health Network, Canada
- 3-minute Oral Presentation Winner, 17th UAA Congress 2019, Malaysia
- Prize Essay Competition Winner, 74th CUA Annual Meeting 2019, Canada
- JUA International Foundation Scholarship for Young Asian Urologists, Japan
- UAA Young Urologist Travel Grant, Singapore
- Best Oral Presentation Award for Trainee, Malaysian Urological Conference
- Service Excellence Award, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Service Excellence Award, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
- Malaysian Urological Association
- Society of Urologic Oncology, Inc. (U.S.A)
- Member of Urological Association of Asia
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Sertifikasi Dewan
- Malaysian Board of Urology Certificate
- Society of Urologic Oncology Certificate