Dr Ramesh K Gurunathan


  • MBBS (IMU)
  • MRCP (UK)



  • English | Bahasa Melayu | Bahasa Tamil

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City) 

Fokus Klinis

  • Penyakit saluran cerna bagian atas yang jinak dan ganas
  • Batu empedu (kolelitiasis)
  • Penyakit refluks gastroesofageal (GERD)
  • Maag
  • Burut
  • Operasi obesitas

Fokus Prosedur

  • Operasi esofagus
  • Pembedahan usus buntu
  • Kolesistektomi (operasi pengangkatan kandung empedu)
  • Operasi bypass lambung
  • Operasi lengan lambung
  • Operasi refluks gastroesofageal
  • Operasi perbaikan hernia
  • Endoskopi atas dan bawah
  • Operasi penurunan berat badan (bariatrik).
  • Prosedur bedah umum

Pelatihan Pascasarjana

  • Sub specialty training in upper gastrointestinal surgery from Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute, India 2003
  • Training in general surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah 1994
  • Sub specialty in upper gastrointestinal surgery from Queen Alexandra Hospital in England 2005-2006
  • M.S (Master in Surgery) from National University of Malaysia 2000
  • Medical Officer and Registrar in General Surgery in Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia 1997-2000
  • Clinical fellow upper gastrointestinal surgery from Queen Alexandra Hospital in England 2005-2006
  • Sub specialty in upper gastrointestinal surgery from Tuanku Jaafar Hospital 2003-2005
  • General Surgeon in Malacca General Hospital 2000-2003
  • F.R.C.S., Fellowship Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2002
  • Medical Officer in Surgery in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah 1994-1997
  • Consultant general and upper gastrointestinal surgeon, Tuanku Jaafar Hospital 2004-now
  • House officer, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 1993-1994

Sekolah medis

  • MBBS, Kasturba Medical College (Mangalore University), India, 1992
  • Memberships and Associations National Chairman for Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Training Committee of the Ministry of Health since 2006
  • Founding member and chairman of the Malaysian Upper Gastrointestinal Club
  • Elected President of the Malaysian Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society
  • Chairman of the Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Committee of the National Specialist Register, College of Surgeons, Malaysia
  • Founded the first Stomach Cancer Support Group in Malaysia


  • 1st prize winner film suture-Absorbable Synthetic Adhesive Tape (BBraun) Mahadevan Tata, Ramesh Gurunathan, P Kandasami 2008
  • Quality Convention 2007, 2nd prize winner N Sembilan level ” Rapid Access in Diagnosing Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers”
  • ” Quality Assurance Convention ” Malacca State level champions on 6th Sep on the topic ” Cancellation of OGDS in Day Care Unit ” 2002