B. Speech Sc. (Hons. UKM), MASH (M'sia)
B. Speech Sc. (Hons. UKM), MASH (M'sia)
B. Speech Sc. (Hons. UKM), MASH (M'sia), SHAS (S'pore)
Master of Medical Sciences (Genetic Counselling) (UKM)
B. Psy. (Hons) Counselling (UMS), MSc. Abnormal & Clinical Psychology (UK), IBCCES (USA)
B.A (Hons, UM), Dip. Ed (UM), M. Ed (UM), Phd (USA)
MD (USM), MRCPCH (UK), F'ship in Paediatric Cardiology (Thailand)
MD (USM), MMed Orthopaedics (USM), CMIA (NIOSH), F'ship in Orthopaedic Oncology (Mal.), Clinical F'ship Orthopaedic Oncology & Reconstructive Surgery (UK), Clinical F'ship Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma (India)
BDS (UM), MClinDent (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) (UM)
MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK), F'ship of Neurology (M'sia), Clinical F'ship in Stroke (NNI, S'pore)
MB BCH BAO (Irel.), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Nephrology (Mal.)
MBBS (NUI), Master of Medicine (NUS), MRCP (UK), MRCP (Ireland)
MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Infectious Diseases (Mal.)
MD (USM), MIntMed (UM), Clinical F'ship in Geriatric Medicine (S'pore), CMIA (NIOSH)
MBBS (Sydney), FRCS (Ireland), FRCS (Glasgow)
MBBS (India), M.Surg. (UM), Diploma in Nutrition (USA), AM (Mal.), Clinical F'ship in Advanced Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Endocrine & Bariatric Surgery (France), Robotic Gastric Surgery (South Korea)
MBBS (Mal.), FRCS (Edin.), CMIA, FAMM, Fellow Hepatopancreatobiliary & Liver Transplant Surgery (Brisbane), Fellow Minimal Access Surgery (India)
BDS (UM), MFDS RCS (Eng.), MRD RCS (Edin.), MClinDent Perio (Lond.)
MBBS (Belgaum), M. Med (Internal Medicine) (UKM), F'ship in Endocrinology (Mal.) (Aust.)
MD (UKM), MRCPCH (UK), Clinical F'ship in Clinical Genetics (UK)