Dato’ Dr Meheshinder Singh



  • MBBS
  • M.Med (Surg)(S’pore)
  • FRCS (Edin)
  • FRCS (Ire)
  • AM (Mal)
  • CIME
  • Fellow in Colon and Rectal Surgery (UK)



  • Bedah Kolorektal, Bedah Laparoskopis (Bedah Minimal Invasif), Endoskopi Saluran Cerna Bawah dan Atas, Patologi Anorektal – Hemoroid, Fisura Anal, Fistula, Infeksi Perianal

Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi

  • Life member of the Malaysian Medical Association
  • Life member of Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • Life member of Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons
  • Life member of PENSMA(Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Malaysia)
  • Member of association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Member of National University of Singapore Alumni
  • Member of the Sports Medicine Society of Malaysia
  • Member of Academy of Medicine Malaysia 
  • Member of Private Practioneers Association, Malaysia.
  • Founder & President of Colorectal Cancer Survivorship Society Malaysia(CORUM)
  • Founding member of Together Against Cancer (TAC) Alliance

Penghargaan dan Prestasi

  • Jan 1995 – Outstanding house officer – Token of State (State Director of Health) Selangor.
  • Oct 2001 – Certificate on excellence of Service year 2000 – MOH
  • June 2003 – Certificate on Outsatnding Presentation on Clinical Conferencing (Tele-conferencing)
  • Sept 2003 – Induction into Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
  • Jan 2021 – Darjah Setia Muhriz Yang Amat Gemilang (DSTM)


  • Bahasa Melayu | English | Cantonese | Hindi | Punjabi

Rumah Sakit
Beacon Hospital