Assoc Prof Dr. Andrew Lim Keat Eu


  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, MBBS Honours (Melbourne)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, FRCS (Glasgow)
  • Master of Medicine Ophthalmology, MMed (Ophth) (USM)
  • Fellow of Alumni of Doctors of Universiti Sains Malaysia, FADUSM
  • Academy of Medicine Malaysia, AM



  • Cataract surgery with premium lenses
  • Medical retina including Uveitis
  • Surgical Retina


  • Bedah Vitreo-retina
  • Katarak & Pemasangan Lensa Intraokular
  • Glaukoma
  • Pengobatan Retinopati Diabetik
  • Pengobatan Degenerasi Makula Terkait Usia termasuk injeksi anti-VEGF
  • Prosedur Laser YAG & Argon
  • Perawatan Mata Anak termasuk Katarak
  • Ambliopia
  • Optometri
  • Penyakit Mata Akibat Gangguan Kelenjar Tiroid
  • Bedah Retina untuk pelepasan retina, pendarahan vitreous, lubang makula, inti lensa yang jatuh, dan implant lensa yang jatuh
  • Implan lensa intraokular premium seperti Toric, Trifocal, Multifocal, Multifocal Toric, Akomodatif, Iris Fixated, dan Painted Intraocular Lens

Penghargaan / Prestasi / Janji

  • 2009: Member of the Task force for the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (4th Edition 2009)
  • 2010: Ministry of Health’s and Academy of Medicine of Malaysia’s Certified Vitreo-retinal Surgeon and Trainer
  • 2010: Clinical Advisor to the Penang State Health Department
  • 2011: Adjunct Associate Professor to Penang Medical College
  • 2015: Involvement in international clinical trials including the ADVANCE, SIRIUS,BROMO DDS,L-BRVO,TDMX,VIEW and RESTORE trials


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Rumah Sakit
Island Hospital Penang