- BDS(Manipal)
- MDS (MaxFac)
- (Manipal) FDSRCS (Eng)
- MOMSRCPS (Glasg)
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Fokus Prosedur
- Traumatologi Maksilofasial
- Bedah Kepala & Leher (Kanker Mulut)
- Bedah Rekonstruktif Maksilofasial
- Implantologi Maksilofasial
- Bedah Mulut Minor
- Kedokteran Mulut
- Penyakit dan Bedah Sendi Temporomandibular
Kondisi Terawat
- All aspect of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery including implantology
Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi
- Fellow of International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Member Asian Association of Oral& Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Member Malaysian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Faculty of AO- CMF
- Hon Secretary, College if Dental Specialist, Academynof Medicine
- Malaysia Malaysian Dental Association
Kualifikasi Pascasarjana
- Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Royal College of Surgeins Dublin, Ireland
- Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons if Glasgow
- WHO travelling Fellowship in Oral Cancer
Sekolah medis
- College of Dental Surgery Manipal
Media & Publikasi
- Over 30 publications in International & peer reviewed journals
Hak istimewa
- All aspects of Maxillofacial surgery