- MBBS (Manipal)
- Fellow ORL-HNS (European Board Certified)
- Fellowship in Otology
- Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery (ITALY)
- Implan Koklea
- Telinga, Hidung & Tenggorokan
- Bedah Kepala & Leher
- English | Bahasa Melayu | Bahasa Tamil
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Sunway Medical Center (Sunway City)
Fokus Prosedur
- Bedah Mikro Telinga
- Bedah Telinga Endoskopi Invasif Minimal Tingkat Lanjut
- Bedah Telinga Eksoskopi 3D Tingkat Lanjut
- Mastoidektomi & Bedah Telinga Tengah
- Implantasi Koklea
- Rekonstruksi Pendengaran
- Perawatan Bedah Gangguan Pendengaran Mendadak & Vertigo Akut
- Bedah Dasar Tengkorak Anterior & Posterior untuk Tumor
- Bedah Sinus Endoskopi
- Pembedahan untuk Apnea Tidur Obstruktif & Mendengkur
- Bedah Penyakit Tiroid & Kelenjar Ludah
- Operasi Kanker Kepala & Leher
Pelatihan Pascasarjana
- Masters in Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, University of Malaya , 2006
- Clinical Fellow in Otology, Neurotology and Base of Skull surgery, Gruppo Otologico, Piacenza, Italy, 2011
- Qualified as a Fellow of the European Board of Otorhinolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
- Marhakim Award for Outstanding Student in the Final Examinations of Masters in Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2006, bestowed by the Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head & Neck Surgeons
Sekolah medis
- MBBS, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, India
- Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head & Neck Surgeons, Member, (MSO – HNS)
- Associazione Italiana Neuro-Otologica
Sertifikasi Dewan
- European Board of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 2011
- Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), Malaysia, 2009