- MSurg (UM)
- MD (USM)
- MRCS (Edin, UK)
- Bedah Payudara
English | Bahasa Melayu | Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese)
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Fokus Prosedur
- Bedah Kanker Payudara
- Bedah Payudara Minimal Invasif (Endoskopi)
- Rekonstruksi Payudara (Implan/Flap)
- Radioterapi Intraoperatif (IORT)
- Lumpektomi
- Pembesaran payudara
- Bedah Pengecilan Payudara (Mamoplasti)
- Pengencangan Payudara (Mastopeksi)
- Biopsi Payudara
- Pemeriksaan Payudara
- Operasi ginekomastia
- Lipofilling/cangkok lemak
- Rekonstruksi Puting
- Tato Areolar
Kondisi Diobati
- Breast Cancer
- Phylloides Breast Tumour
- Benign Breast Disease
- Breast Screening
- Breast Reconstruction (Immediate/Delayed)
- Breast Hypoplasia
- Breast Hypertrophy/Gigantomastia
- Breast Infection (Mastitis/Abscess)
- Gynaecomastia
Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi
- Academy of Medicine Malaysia
- College of Surgeons Malaysia
- International Surgical Society
- Breast Surgery International
Pelatihan Klinis Pascasarjana
- MSurg (UM)
- Fellowship in Breast Surgery (Milan, Italy)
- Fellowship in Breast Surgery (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Fellowship in Breast Surgery(Japan)
- Fellowship in Breast Surgery (Taipei, Taiwan)
- MRCS (Edin, UK)
- MD (USM)
- Travel Scholar Award 2022
- Best Paper Presentation- BSI 2022
Sekolah medis
- MD (USM)