BSC (HONS), MBBCHIR (Cambridge), MRCP (UK), Board Certified CBCCT (USA)
MBBS (Melbourne), FRCOphth (London), CCT (UK), Oculoplastics (Moorfields, London and Serdang, Malaysia)
MBBS(India), MS Ophthalmology (Mal), Corneal Fellowship (Mal)
MD(Mal), M.Surg Ophth(Mal), CCFT Vitreo-retinal Surgery(Mal)
MBBS (Mal), M.Ophthal (Mal)
MBBS (Mal.), M.Med, FRCSEd
MBChB (Hons) Aberdeen, MRCP (UK), MRCOphth (London), FRCOphth (London), CCST (UK)
MBBS (Manipal), Msc(Surg) HUKM, FRCS(Uro) Glasgow, MBU Cert, Fellowship in Urology (QEH, Adelaide, S.Australia)
MB BCh BAO B.MedSci (NUI), MRCSEd, MSurg (UM), FICS (USA), FRCSUrol (Glas)
MBBS (Mangalore), MS Ortho(Mal)
MBBS (Mangalore), MS Ortho(UM), FAGE, Spine (Germany), AM (Mal), DSDK
MBBS (Mal), MS Ortho(Mal), Bachelor of Science(Medical Science)(Bac Sc(Hons) Med Sc) (Mal, Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (Bac Sc (Hons) Biomed Sc) (Mal, CMIA (Niosh), ATLS
MBBS (RGUHS), MS Ortho (UKM), Fellowship Arthroplasty (Germany), Knee Fellow(France), AM
MBBS (Mangalore University, India), CMIA (NIOSH), MS (Ortho) UKM
MBBS (UM), MS Ortho (UKM)
MBBS (Mal), FRCS (Edin), Ms Ortho (Mal), AM (Mal)
MD (UKM), AFRCS (IRE), MRCS (ED), MS (Malaya), AM (Mal), Ph.D (Aus)
MD (Canada), Master of Surgery (UM), FRCS (Neurosurgery) Edinburgh Fellowship in Cranial, Spine and Radiosurgery, Sheffield
MBBS (Malaya), MS Neurosurgery (USM), CMIA (NIOSH)c