Kualifikasi Spesialisasi Bahasa Rumah SakitRumah Sakit Subang Jaya Medical Centre…
Kualifikasi Spesialisasi Subspesialisasi Bahasa Rumah Sakit Island Hospital
MBBCh, BAO (Ire), MS Orth (UM), FRCS (Edin), AM (Mal)
BSc Med (UKM), MD (UKM), MS Orth (UKM)
MBChB (Glasgow), DM (Leicester), FRCS Glas, FRCS Glas (T&O)
MBBS (Hons) (Sydney), FRCS (Edin), AM (Mal)
M.B.B.S. (IMU), Dr. Orth & Tr (UKM), Fellowship In Spine Surgery (Malaysia), AO Spine Fellowship (South Korea), Fellowship In Advanced Spine Surgery (Ireland)
MBBS (Mangalore), MS Ortho(Mal)
MBBS (Mangalore), MS Ortho(UM), FAGE, Spine (Germany), AM (Mal), DSDK
MBBS (Mal), MS Ortho(Mal), Bachelor of Science(Medical Science)(Bac Sc(Hons) Med Sc) (Mal, Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (Bac Sc (Hons) Biomed Sc) (Mal, CMIA (Niosh), ATLS
MBBS (RGUHS), MS Ortho (UKM), Fellowship Arthroplasty (Germany), Knee Fellow(France), AM
MBBS (Mangalore University, India), CMIA (NIOSH), MS (Ortho) UKM
MBBS (UM), MS Ortho (UKM)
MBBS (Mal), FRCS (Edin), Ms Ortho (Mal), AM (Mal)
MD (NUM), M.S. Ortho. (UM), CMIA (NIOSH), AM (Mal.), F'ship in Spine Surgery (The University of Hong Kong)
MBBS (Bombay), M.S. Ortho (UKM), Post Graduate, Dip. Sports Med. (Aust.), AM (Mal)
MBSS (M'lore), M.S. Ortho (UM), FRCS (Irel.), CMIA (NIOSH), F'ship in Joint Reconstruction (St. George, Sydney)
MD (UKM), Ms Orthopaedic Surgery (UM), Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist, CIPS (US), Diploma in Interventional Pain Management (France), Fellowship in Interventional Pain Management (Budapest), Certified Clinical Densitometrist (ISCD), CMIA (NIOSH)
MBBS (Aust.), FRCS (Glasg.)